Sunday, July 11, 2010

If You Can't Get A Date, You Might Be In Need Of A Bad Breath Solution

By Tyler Whitman

If you are reasonably attractive with a decent personality and you are spending all of your weekends alone, then it might be time to consider that your nasty breath is keeping you out of the dating scene. It is a sad but true fact that most people are repulsed by bad breath, so unless you want to die alone you better figure out why your breath is so funky and find a bad breath solution fast.

Now, you might be thinking to yourself that you don't have bad breath, so this can't possibly be the reason that you can clear a room just by opening your mouth. Well, think again my friend, because contrary to popular belief, you can't actually smell your own breath.

That's right, the breath you believe to be harmless is actually so rank that no one can concentrate on what you are saying because all they can think about when your mouth is open are home remedies to treat bad breath!

Don't worry, your life is not over just because you have stinky breath. There are tons of people that have this same problem, so there are lots of bad breath solutions available. The trick is to figure what is causing your bad breath, so that you can determine which solution will work best for you.

Halitosis, another term for chronic bad breath, is the result of trapped proteins that are processed by different types of bacteria in your mouth. Many of these oral bacteria are capable of producing high levels of foul odors, which leads to bad breath.

There are over 600 different types of oral bacteria, and they all behave differently, reacting to different stimulants. Some are more active at certain times of the day, and some thrive on certain conditions, like a decrease in saliva.

"Morning breath" is a good example of this. While you are asleep, your mouth is inactive, and stops producing the amount of saliva it does while your mouth is active. Without saliva to wash them out, oral bacteria build up and thrive, producing the strong halitosis we refer to as morning breath.

This is why chewing gum often works well as a bad breath solution. Chewing the gum stimulates saliva that washes out some of the bacteria. That's also why it is better to chew gum than suck on a mint. Chewing and producing saliva is an effective natural cure for bad breath, and mints do nothing more than temporarily mask bad breath.

Everything you put in your mouth has an effect on your breath, the food you eat, the cigarettes you smoke and the alcohol you drink. Some foods cause bigger problems than others, but when food particles are trapped in between your teeth or on your tongue, they stimulate oral bacteria to produce nasty smelling breath.

One natural cure for bad breath to combat this is to scrape your tongue after meals. You can use your toothbrush to scrape off these halitosis-causing particles, but it is much easier and more effective to use an actual tongue scraper.

Now that you have basic understanding of what is causing your halitosis, you need to explore the different remedies available and determine which bad breath solution is best for you. There are all kinds of different breath fresheners you can buy, just try them until you find ones you like.

You should also keep in mind that there are many effective home remedies to treat bad breath available as well. Baking soda is extremely effective at eliminating oral bacteria, so rinsing your mouth with some added to water is a great bad breath solution. Eating an orange or grapefruit will also help your mouth fight halitosis-causing bacteria.

It doesn't matter what type of bad breath solution you decide on. Just find something and get rid of that nasty bad breath today!

Don't spend your life alone because of your breath. Click here to discover a bad breath solution that will get rid of your halitosis for good! Visit today to find solutions for bad breath that really work!

Article Source: If You Can't Get A Date, You Might Be In Need Of A Bad Breath Solution


Anonymous said...

Re: Bad breath I had it for about 18 years. I was Ms. unpopular. For a long time I was thinking my life was not worth living. I didn’t think to read about it on the web until one day a person I didn’t even know told me I had really bad breath and said she had it once too and told me to check online for a site called as it worked to cure her bad breath. I was thinking how nice she was as most people just hold their nose and walk away from me. Anyway I followed advice and after a week I noticed my tongue started turning red and the bad taste was gone from my mouth. I started noticing people had stopped holding their nose and trying to get away from me. A few months later I bumped into her again. I told her I used her advice and thought it worked, she asked me to breath out in to her face while she smelt it and she is like smiling and said my breaths is fresh now. I hugged her, I didn’t tell her what I was thinking just a few months earlier, but her and that site was a life saver to me. Don’t let bad breath ruin your life like it tried to do to me. Another site I found useful is it shows you how to test your breath without leaving home. When I asked my Doctor who is an EMT bacterial researcher about the site he said it’s the oral research laboratories and there are 3 websites publishing the monthly reports from Oraltech Labs. I said why didn’t he tell me before? He said I didn’t ask him, which was true. He said all bad breath sufferers should visit and or as his clients (including me) report very good oral health outcomes after following their advice. Anyway I Hope this helps you, Jenny Wilson, SD.

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